Saturday 25 May 2013

Una buena noticia / Good news

Ayer se suponía que iban a hacerme una segunda biopsia ya que la creatinina seguía por encima de 300 y no bajaba. Como en la primera biopsia había rechazo y dano tubular agudo en el injerto, necesitaban ver si estaba mejor o no.
El médico no pudo regresar del extranjero y la cancelaron pero a mí me llamaron para que igualmente fuera a consulta externa para control.
Por la tarde me llamaron para decirme que puedo reducir la prednisona de 25 mg al día a 20 mg porque mi creatinina ha BAJADO a 252.
Y esta es la mejor noticia que me han dado desde que comenzaron las complicaciones del trasplante y me tuvieron que hacer el tratamiento de plasma y de inmunosupresión por los anticuerpos de rechazo.
Esta cifra es mejor que mi creatinina antes del trasplante, lo que significa que si para la revisión del jueves que viene continúa bajando, el injerto "se ha despertado" y comienza a funcionar.
Ya estoy deseando saber qué pasará la semana que viene, mientras tanto celebraré con alegría esta gran noticia!

I was expected to have a second biopsy done yesterday but the doctor was abroad and couldn't make it so it got cancelled. The reason for the second one was that in the first one they had seen acute tubular damage in my new kidney as wel as rejection and they needed to see why my creatinine was stock on or above 308 and not coming down. Till now they kept telling us the kidney was just sleeping, but I guess they need to confirm there is nothing else there.
I was told anyway to go to clinic to be checked up and had bloods done and so I did, they also did an ultrasound. Yesterday evening I got a phone call, I was to reduce my prednisolone to 20mg a day instead of 25mg I was taking, because my creatinine has come down to 252.
And that is the best news I had in a long, long time. This creatinine is beter than my last creatinine before the transplant what means that if next week thursday is still going down it will be official that the new kidney is working and finally awake!!
I can't wait to see what will happend next week but for now I am really going to celebrate this great news!!

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